Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Girl Fight!

  I don't know what to think about these crazy ass housewives. I can't figure out if I'm entertained or if I'm just staring at these women like I would a train wreck. They really are bat-shit crazy. My biggest issue, I think, is the reflection it has on teenage and young adult females. We put so much emphasis on being accepting of one another and not bullying. I think this is a huge step back in that fight.

  Shockingly, many of these women are mothers. I'm not necessarily saying that these women aren't good mothers, but let's look at the facts here! On each rendition of this show whether it's Atlanta, Beverly Hills, or otherwise these women are ripping each other to shreds! Young women are witnessing these ladies attack one another (verbally and physically), and we expect them not to do the same exact thing to each other? Wishful thinking. I look at these women with their piles of money and think, "Girl...stop pulling off Kim's fake ass wig and go to the mall. Buy some shit. You will be happier afterwards."

  These shows would not exist if it weren't for the foolish rivals these women create between one another. The show would simply be a bunch of women traipsing around with their platinum cards buying diamonds and shoes for themselves (and their dogs). 

  Gag me with a spoon, right? Blah.

 Who wants to watch women spend all of their husbands hard earned money on crap? Pfft. No one. But women with a Louis Vuitton thrown across one shoulder and the head of a frail blonde woman shoved under the arm pit the other-- that is quality entertainment. Hopefully my sarcasm was implied, but I'll clarify for good measure...I was being sarcastic.

  Do I watch the shows? Yea. I do. Every once in a while I catch myself fully committed to a marathon, and I can't peel my eyes away from the screen until the sit-down at the end of the season with the annoying man with the big-ass smile who loves every moment of the drama between these woman as much as the rest of the US, the only difference is, he gets paid to like it. I can't stand those episodes. I get anxiety with all the yelling and talking over each other. At least in the actual episodes you get a break from that when they do their one-on-one interviews. You get a chance to hear both sides in a calm, yet effective, manner. HA.

  So, what do you guys think about these Looney Tunes? For or against? I think I'm Switzerland...with a dash of tone-it-the-heck-down-on-the-name-calling-and-punch-throwing.

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