Thursday, January 19, 2012

Time flies when you're getting no sleep.

I can't believe I'll have been a Momma for a month on Sunday. Time flies ridiculously fast when you have a newborn. 

The first week and a half went by so fast partly due to the hydrocodone fog I was in. The day after I ran out of my prescription was the day I realized how strenuous Motherhood was actually going to be. That pain killer has a way of making you...well...not give a rat's ass. I was in Mommy Heaven with that drug. I still am, I guess, just a less high, more exhausted version of it. 

You know, I keep going back to the day I had him. I literally remember every single moment of labor. Other Moms keep telling me that I wont remember it after a while. When exactly is "after awhile?"
I'm ready to forget now. I keep thinking about how I felt like I was being stared at by my Dad, Sister, and two Aunts while I writhed in pain. 

See, Asher was posterior right up until the moment I began pushing. That means his little over 7lb self was pushing into my tailbone with every single contraction. The pressure of which I could feel through the epidural -- rendering it pointless. I was preparing myself for a cruel, unusual death. 

Every word I overheard from other people in the room with me was enough to make me want to punch things but I couldn't cause I was all but paralyzed. I thought, in my irrational head, that they were talking about me. I thought that they thought I was being a baby. Which I wasn't, just so you know. I'm not even sure I shed one tear until I saw his little face...and then I shed like nine or ten before I was distracted by the two female doctors talking about my no-no-special place like it was no big deal that they were about to sew me up like a damaged teddy bear. I reminded them that I still had to find the person I was going to spend the rest of my life with, so they'd better do a good job. 

Inappropriate? Probably. I was on drugs. Still, though, they assured me that they would fix me up real nice like. I liked those ladies. 

Anyway, like I said, I'm ready to forget everything right up to the point I got to hold my baby for the first time. That moment, if you don't know already, is the single most amazing moment you will ever experience. I couldn't believe I had made a person. I couldn't fathom that a few cheap 3.2 beers and a bad decision with someone who should have remained "just a friend" could lead to something so...perfect. Inappropriate again? Sorry.

I can't wait to see what the next month will hold for Asher and me. I can't imagine life without him. It's like my life had no point before him. He makes everything make sense...which says a lot for me since I'm about as ADHD as a Chihuahua. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I’m not sure why I’m calling this Sassy Mom Jeans. I have worn jeans once since I’ve had the baby three weeks ago. I didn’t wear them well, either. Will they ever fit correctly again?

Screw it.

That’s why God made the Yoga pant. Not for Yoga. Hell no. They are for new Moms who aren’t ready to make the soul-crushing effort to shove her ass into a pair of jeans that were once a size too big, but now have you grunting to zip and button.

“But I’m so lucky to be a Mommy,” I think. “Who cares if I’m squishy where I was never squishy before.”

I do. I freaking care. If my ass had a personality and a vocabulary, which I’m not all together sure it doesn’t, it would curse my name daily. “What have you done to me, You Dr. Pepper Lush!?” it would yell.

and I would cry.

It was worth it, though, because while I cringe at the pudding like substance that is my stomach, I literally beam sparkly-sparkles out of my eyeballs for my perfect little boy. That’s not a mother’s biased opinion, either. If there were ever a perfect child, it would be mine. Do not argue with me. I’m still violently hormonal.

Just kidding. I’ve always been violent.

So, this is it. This is my new blog. I haven’t written in more than a year, so bear with me as I sink back in to my smart-ass creativity. I hope you enjoy.

P.s. I typed the with one hand while breastfeeding. Mom Skills.