Wednesday, March 14, 2012

GOP: The Men and their Skeletons

Politics is disgusting. I am appalled at the way people act regarding politics. In fact it's so disgusting and appalling that I absolutely must get my two cents in on the subject. The topic of politics is nearly as taboo as pornography and just like in porn, I think each GOP candidate has his very own special way of sucking.

Now, because I am entitled to my very own (and awesome) opinion, I am going to tell you why I can’t stand any of the GOP candidates. Brace yourself 'cause here we go:

Rick Santorum: is on freaking douche patrol. That man makes my skin crawl off my body and into a hole in the ground where it’s safe from like likes of him. This man really believes that we need more children to be born so that we have more people contributing to social security. He says that he and his wife have contributed seven children to society and might as well go as far as to say, "Chop-chop, Mother Lovers, time to pop some babies out." He likes to contradict that little gem by thinking that women shouldn’t raise children without a husband. Well guess what Douche McGee, some of us didn't keep our Aspirin tablet between our knees and got knocked up by another Douche Rocket who was to chicken shit to stick around.  How about this, Ass Wipe? Men shouldn't be allowed to be Tool Sheds and should accept responsibility for contributing the secret ingredient to making a baby in the first place and maybe there wouldn't be so many single Mommies. Ever think of that you chauvinistic dingle berry? And because he is the walking contradiction that he is, he's against birth control. Even if you are happily married but want to postpone having children and still get freaky-deaky, uh-uh, Rick Douchetorum says no-no. Gah, ok, I’m moving on because I could go on forever about this creep.

Newt Gingrich: I can't believe this man is even a candidate. Really, Conservatives? He is everything you are against morally-- a dirty, filthy scoundrel. He's a serial adulterer, a liar, and yet he's considered to be a religious, morally crusading republican and contender for presidential office? Yuck. Not to mention the fact that he's a giant five year old. He's especially fond of dinosaurs, big explosions, and the idea of making the Moon the 51st state ofAmerica. That's so ridiculous that it's almost adorable. I kind of want to take him to a playground and let him play pretend in the fake rocket ship. Can't we just let him pretend he's a candidate? He will be just as happy, I swear. You can't vote an adulterous five year old into office. You just can't.

Ron Paul: I could go for some of the things he promises in his platform, but I can’t go for his racist tendencies. He’s been quoted numerous times making profoundly racist remarks. This quote is especially ridiculous, “Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal." When asked to clarify this statement, he said that these weren’t based on his figures, that it was just an assumption. Lovely, huh? To be honest, I think he’s probably just a loony old-timer complete with conspiracy theories and paranoid tendencies. But hey, if you like weed…he’s for legalizing it. It seems he wants to win favor with the KKK and the college kids. I’m a part of neither crowd.

Mitt Romney: I can’t respect anyone without any respect for animals. I feel bad for his dog, Seamus, who rode on the roof of the car for TWELVE HOURS on their way to Canada! He said the dog loved it, but his own Son contradicts that story by saying that at one point he saw a brown fluid running down the windshield indicating that the dog had been so scared that he took a runny dump! Did this make Mitt take the dog off of the roof and put him in the car with the rest of the family? No. He simply stopped at a car wash, rinsed the car and the cage, and put poor Seamus back in his cage strapped down with bungee cords to the roof of the car. Romney’s campaign wouldn’t comment, but Seamus allegedly ran away upon their arrival. That’s what the Romneys get, eh? (click here for source)

In conclusion, I just want to say that my absolute least favorite GOP candidate is (DUH) Rick Santorum and of course he’s the one that the Bible Belt just adores! I don’t understand. How am I so turned off by every single thing about him and millions of people are all honky-dory for the things he stands for? He wants to take away your privacy, people! He’s what I call BSC. Bat shit crazy! Now, please, PLEASE, stop watching Fox news and do some of your own research! 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Burn, Baby, Burn

This is what I plan on looking like while I work out.

  It has occurred to me that I can’t get back my pre-baby body by sitting on my behind. It seems, sigh, I must actually get off my ass in order to do something about my ass. Thus, I have begun a workout regimen via YouTube. I found an AWESOME channel. It’s called FitnessBlender. There are tons of videos to choose from. I have done the Brazilian buttocks workout and am really feeling (not seeing, yet) the effects.

  I really like the idea of being able to work out in the privacy of my own home. There is nothing more humiliating than going to the gym out of shape and having an audience. While I'm sure there isn't actually an audience because people are there to get there badunks from flab to fab as well, I still can't help but think all eyes are on me.  More importantly, I can cry from "the burn" without people pointing and laughing. Even MORE importantly, I can do these workouts in between Asher's naps. Nothing like a productive nap time!
  I decided to post about this because I feel like I need to be held accountable for my decision to get into shape. I am a habitual say-I’m-gonna kind of person. My follow through in the past has been for shit, but I feel like I’ve started a new chapter of my life. I had a baby. He killed my body (and my tailbone). I must get it back and better than it was before.

  You may be wondering what lit a fire under my (not as perky as it used to be) ass. Well, I went shopping for some jeans. This journey to find jeans to fit my in-between-sizes body nearly had me in tears because while I’m close to my pre-baby weight, my body is FAR from its original shape. That’s because I have lost muscle tone and replaced it with chunk (sounds nicer than fat). You can imagine the deflation of my pride. I felt like crap inside that stupid dressing room staring at myself in that evil mirror.

  After ten tries and probably three sizes, I couldn’t get a single pair over my ass. My ego’s chunky derriere had been kicked, and it was time for change, dammit.

  So, it begins. My road to a rockin’ Mom bod!